Linda Mook
Healthcare IT professional
Project management, information architecture and IT consultancy in healthcare and research is my speciality.
As medical informatics professional I have over 25 years experience in Healthcare and research IT. Please check My LinkedIn page for my experience and resume.
IT architecture
Architecture is the art and skill of organizing, grouping and clearly describing information, process and technology to support business objectives. I can help you with this so your organization or project can actually work ‘under architecture’.
I support you in the selection or customizing of the most suitable system for your business objectives as well as clarifying the requirements for your stakeholders and end users.
Project management
I help you start projects by setting up a coordinated plan with clear goals and deliverables. Keep your team members focused on the deadlines and advise you when to escalate.
Contact me
Tel: +31 (0)6 2828 0596
Email: linda@mookprojects.nl
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lindamook
Twitter: @lindamook
KVK: 58690174